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We always welcome enquirers, whether you are experienced in singing chant or a beginner.  If you are unfamiliar with square notation, don’t be put off! It’s easy to pick up and much less daunting than it may seem at first sight.


You are very welcome to come to one of our 7:00 pm Wednesday evening rehearsals at the Maurice Fowler Hall (see “Getting there” below; check beforehand with the Calendar that there is rehearsal that evening). Just make yourself known to one of the members when you arrive. ​If you would then like to join the Choir, please speak to Fr Peter at the end of the rehearsal.


Unless you have had experience of singing plainchant, you may feel more comfortable just to listen to the Choir at first, and then join in when you feel sufficiently confident to do so.


The books we use for singing are:


Gregorian Missal, published by the Abbaye St Pierre, Solesmes in France. This

provides the Ordinary chants (settings of texts used at Masses throughout the year) and Propers (settings of texts pertaining to a particular Sunday or Feast Day). The Missal contains the chants for all Sundays and major Feast Days. It provides English translations of the set Latin texts; and


The Parish Book of Chant, published by the Church Music Association of America. This contains a selection of chants and hymns.


In due course, you would receive a loan copy of each of these books. However, in the meantime you would be able to access scores of the chants by downloading online versions of these books by clicking on the links above.


Recordings of the chants we are currently singing can be found on the Members’ Pages, or from here. To gain access to them, please register on the website – see the icon at the top right hand of the page.


If you want any further information about the Choir, please email:


Getting there


Rehearsals are held in the Maurice Fowler Hall, 1A Montpelier Avenue, Ealing, London W5 2DY. The Hall is a pink prefabricated buillding to the rear of the house on that site: see photographs at the foot of the page.


There are no parking restrictions in Montpelier Avenue, and plentiful parking is available in the evenings. If you are coming by public transport, it’s a 15 minute walk from Ealing Broadway Station, or take the 297 bus from Haven Green (bus stop Z4) to Mount Avenue/Castlebar Hill (bus stop SV).

© Victoria and Albert Museum, London

© Victoria and Albert Museum, London


​​Most Wednesdays:

7:00 for 7:15 pm

(See Calendar for changes)


Ealing Abbey

Maurice Fowler Hall

Off 1A Montpelier Avenue


London W5 2DY


© 2024 by EALPC

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